If you are not familiar with statistics at this level, we strongly recommend collaborating with someone who is. Please consider if your data fit the assumptions of each test (normality? equal sampling? Etc.). This tutorial assumes some basic statistical knowledge. In general, this pipeline can be used for any microbiota data set that has been clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate basic analyses of microbiota data to determine if and how communities differ by variables of interest. Written for R v3.4.3 in RStudio v1.1.383 Goal Matrices/data frames are designated by where it is.ORANGE boxes contain R code which you should NOT execute today, either because it takes forever or because we do not have the necessary input to run it. WHITE boxes contain sample output of this code, and nothing will happen if you try to copy it into your console. GREEN boxes contain code that you can copy and paste to run on your machine.
They are also not evaluated by R and can be copied into your script with the code.
These lines are not code and do not need to be entered into the console. Lines starting with # are comments that are for the reader’s benefit.If you have any issues in R, type ?command into the console where command is the function you are having issues with and a help page will come up.